Saturday, October 17, 2020

God's Got Me

Health Update & Some Other Thoughts

My last MRI was September 30th at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The results showed that the small amount of tumor that is left had not grown in size. Everything looks stable, which is the goal of the Clinical Trial that I'm participating in. I got this! Speaking of which...

When people find out that you have cancer they often want to be encouraging and one of the things that I've heard quite frequently is "You got this!" - That's awesome, I love it! It's the kind of inspiration that makes me want to fight. It's motivating... but the truth is that it's not me that's 'got this,' God's got this. And you know what? That's better! I don't got this unless God's got me. 
God's got this because He is sovereign over all things and if He wants to cure me He is absolutely capable of doing that. So why hasn't He done that yet? Maybe He's using this to sanctify me and mold me into the man He wants me to be? Maybe He's using it to reach others. It's not for me to know, at least not yet. 
I've been thinking a lot lately about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. When King Nebuchadnezzar threatened them because they wouldn't bow before the Golden Statue, their answer was essentially that they knew that their God could save them. They believed that He would. But even if He didn't, they would not serve other Gods and abandon Him. 
I like that: I know He can save me, I believe He will save me, but even if He doesn't I still trust in His Sovereign plan. God is good, all the time!