Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cancer Patient Problems

I Blame the Drugs

You know one of the great things about having brain cancer? OK, nothing. Nothing is really great about it, but here's one of the benefits: Anytime I don't feel like doing anything I can blame it on the drugs I'm taking, or the treatments I'm undergoing, or the cancer itself and everyone just nods along sympathetically. "Yeah, that must suck," everyone assumes.

If I have an outburst of rage? That's probably just a side effect of some drug I'm on.
If I can't motivate myself to get out of bed, just a side effect of the anti-seizure meds.
When I don't want to be hospitable and compassionate to others it's probably just because I'm stressed out about my own hardships.
When I'm irrationally angry about some minutia, just a side effect of the cancer, have some compassion on me, man!
When I don't want to be loving, and caring towards my family or towards others? Cut me some slack I have brain cancer!

What about me?
It isn't fair,
I've had enough now I want my share,
Can't you see,
I wanna live,
But you just take more than you give!

If you're reading this and you've made it this far then the chances are that you know me personally (otherwise why would you still be reading?) so I'm asking you to not be sympathetic and to not let me get away with these things. Don't accept any excuses. It doesn't matter what drugs I'm on or what side effects I claim that they're having. It doesn't matter what hardships I'm facing myself. I am a disciple of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and I'm called to be more and more like Jesus every day. If nothing can separate me from the love of Christ (Rom 8: 35) then nothing ought to be able to separate me from fulfilling my duty to reciprocate Christ's love to the world. Certainly not something like brain cancer that God is fully in control of. So don't accept any excuses from me, especially when I'm feeling sorry for myself.

1 comment:

  1. I kicked my dog yesterday and blamed it on your cancer. I’m not sure I’m doing this right but I feel like I’m capturing the spirit of your message.

    Stay strong my man.
